In celebration of his birthday, N8 decided to grow out his beard and shape it like the characters from the movie Gone With the Wind in order to be referred to as "Colonel Wildcat." If anyone slipped up and called him anything but Colonel Wildcat that person was obligated to have one shot of Soju. (yuck!)

N8's face went from a full beard to colonel then to just a mustache and MAN DOES HE LOOK LIKE HIS DAD!
We rented two vans and took people 2 hours north to Inje to play paintball and go white water rafting. It rained all day, but surprisingly it actually made the whole experience that much better! Paintballing int he rain made it very intense and difficult and everyone seemed to have a good time. Afterwards we were taken down to the river to raft down the quick waters and it was still raining. We all thought we'd freeze to death, but the rain was quite warm and it was a beautiful feeling to be on the river in the rain surrounded by lush mountains. The best part of rafting was that we were coaxed out of the raft and swam in the river and it carried us down stream for a while where we met people who were jumping off of the rocks into the river. We didn't get a lot of photo opportunities because of the rain.

When all of the events for the day were finished we got back into the van and headed back home to Gangneung. Some of us went to an all you can eat meat buffet. We ate, we drank, and we were merry! Once our bellies were full we proceeded to go out to a Korean club, which isn't my favorite thing...but its fun since we are the only ones who really dance on the dance floor.
This particular club usually has performances. That night they had a few singers and the D.J. also made a very public appearance by stripping all of the way down to his birthday suit...happy birthday N8! It was bazaar and we left...

The rest of the night was a bunch fun and a total success! N8 is now 24, his favorite number. <3