Monday, April 13, 2009

The Hills Are Alive

As the sun comes out, so do the people....
This weekend was a beautiful one! On Saturday I decided to ride over to the stadium with a few friends to see a Gangwon-do (provincial) soccer game. There was a good crowd in the stadium all chanting encouraging things to our team. The Gangwon-do soccer team color is bright orange which was quite a sight at the stadium. 
Afterwards I had to literally kick start the motorbike (which we have to do everytime, because we're that classy) to go meet Nate at the beach because he had gone for a long run as to prepare for a half marathon that he is running in the end of April. We were planning on staying at the beach for a while to read but it became very chilly so we headed home.
On Sunday we had our first Gangneung Sports Day! Quite a few people came out to Kwon Dong University to play kickball, Frisbee, catch and just to lounge around in the grass under the warm sky.  It was a nice change of pace! Later we all moved to the beach for a warm coffee.
Later that night we met up with some Korean friends and had a delicious oyster dinner.
First we ate some potato pancake with green onions, shrimp and fried oysters then shared some oyster dishes with rice and kimchi.  It was all so good. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

How lovely! It's been cold and rainy here. We had tickets to the the baseball game tonight but skipped it because it was so ugly out. Hopefully we'll get some outdoor time in soon!