It has come to our attention that the city of Pittsburgh thrives without Nathan and I in its presence. We are sad that we missed so many great things this year (also including Emily's graduation *congrats!!*)
Either way, it was so nice to be a rep of Pittsburgh here in Korea and we were able to watch the game from a live feed online. What a world we live in!! It was a great game and it surely left a great big goofy smile on N8s face. He then proceeded to sing out lyrics to the song "Here we go, Steelers" but for the Pittsburgh Penguins-it was all quite catchy and it ran together well.
in other news, I have officially set a date for my lasek operation. The people in Seoul are very nice and the price is unbeatable! There is one price for the whole surgery, which is about half of what the surgery would cost back home. I was referred to this lasek center by a very happy customer, also a foreign teacher. Not only is the surgical procedure half the price from back home-but all consultations before and after the procedure are free, i get a year's worth of free eye drops, and since I'm coming from across the country they are setting me and N8 up for free at a hotel near the center!

ah .... so I'm not looking forward to the pain, but its only a 10 min surgery!
I can't wait to see you all with my new eyes!!
*note to my dad-please don't think about this too much. it'll gross you out. I was thinking about posting a video of EK surgeries but I decided against it. JUST FOR YOU.
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