Monday, June 1, 2009


We're sorry for being so M.I.A. lately, its just been too nice to stay inside by the computer!
This past week was a very exciting time for our city, Gangneung. Each year, Gangneung hosts the Dano Festival which is a ritualistic event for the crop season. Traditionally, female shaman perform songs, chants, dances and exorcisms to cleanse the people and the earth.
The best part is that EPIK provided an all inclusive 2 day festival experience for EPIK teachers. I was allowed to leave early on Tuesday to meet up with other teachers downtown to see the tents, performances and parade. There were teachers from all over the place to come and see the festivities, which gave me a great feeling for this city that we live in.
We were allowed to take part in the parade which went through the streets of downtown. Each person in the parade had a colorful robe and held a lantern with a wish that you wrote out by hand and connected to the lantern. The parade ended by the river, where we sat our lanterns into the water and had our wishes carried off by the current. It was quite a sight!

Early the next day we went for a hike up a mountain that overlooked Gangnueng. We were able to see the whole city and the coast. On the mountain, there were a few shrines dedicated to the god figures in the stories related to Dano and also the mountain god. Many women were there as shaman to light candles and do ritualistic chanting in the mountains.
I was really happy to miss school, even though I love my kids, but sometimes its nice to get out and be outside on a beautiful day and see what your city has to offer. I think I also set a good example for the students on how you should take personal time/breaks for good mental health, right? haha!

Now the next thing in our horizon is Nathan's birthday party (paintball, white water rafting and homemade piƱatas) and I'm considering getting Lasik surgery done next month. *Ee!*

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